Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Orangesicle Slushie and Shopping Carts

My brother and I decide to go to Walmart tonight. We have a few items to pick up, a little time to kill, and my mother's debit card to burn. It was going to be a lovely trip.

I have my Sonic orangesicle sluchie drink in my hand walking in through the automated doors. I go to grab a cart, and realize I have items in my other hand as well. Doing the only logical thing I can think of, I lift the drink to my mouth, grab hold of the straw with my lips, and let go of the drink to reach for the cart.

Yeah. You guessed it.


Orange slushie went everywhere.

My reaction.

*blink* "That was stupid."

Then I took the straw out of my mouth and picked up the slushie cup and put the straw back through the top of the drink and grabbed a different cart.

D to the E...

Two days ago my brother was writing a paper and asked me how to spell "delicious".

Now, those of you who KNOW me know I cannot spell for the life of me. In fact, I once told my dad that the only way I was able to correctly spell words, was to spell them in a way that looked wrong to me and I'd know they were right. Most correctly spelled words look like they're misspelled to me. Add it to the vault of "Sarah-isms" and let's move on.

So I stare at him for a minute and reply:
long pause
"Oh! D - to the E to the L I C I O U S"

My brother looks at me like I've lost it and asks "What?"

I calmly reply "d to the e to the l i c i o u s ya know, the Fergie song?"

He types the word out and we both return to our former activities.

And then it took me another day and a half before I burst out laughing at how retarted that was.